Waist to hip ratio
Waist circumference is measured at the mid point between the lower edge of the arch rib and ridge of the os ilium, which represents the level of the navel.
The hip is measured at the widest point.
- above 0.7 it is a threat to women's health,
- above 0.86 it is a major threat to women's health,
- above 0.8 it is a threat to men's health,
- above 0.95 it is a major threat to men's health,
The waist to hip ratio is one of the several criteria for classifying individuals into specific risk groups according to nutritional status.
Measuring waist circumference is important to identify the patients at risk of chronic noncommunicable diseases (cardiovascular diseases, type II diabetes, breast cancer, colon cancer). Fatty tissue that accumulates in the abdomen is associated with the development of metabolic disorders and the cause of the increase in triglycerides, low levels of beneficial HDL cholesterol and high blood sugar.
Waist circumference is measured at the mid point between the lower edge of the arch rib and ridge of the os ilium, which represents the level of the navel.
Waist circumference:
- above 80 cm is a threat to women's health,
- above 88 cm is a major threat to women's health,
- above 94 cm is a threat to men's health,
- above 102 cm is a major threat to men's health
considering the above stated chronic diseases.
The waist to hip ratio is useful to estimate the distribution of body fat. The hips are measured at the largest circumference of the hips.
The ratio:
- above 0.7 is a threat to women's health,
- above 0.86 is a major threat to women's health,
- above 0.8 is a threat to men's health,
- above 0.95 is a major threat to men's health